API Updates And The Future

API Updates And The Future

It's been a wild month since Imgur first announced changes to their terms.

The biggest stat that I keep coming back to is that more files were uploaded in the 3 weeks following that announcement than had been uploaded in the entirety of Image Chest's existence.
There were a couple small bumps in the road, but overall the site and infrastructure held up well, and we've since made improvements to both the code and infrastructure.
In case you missed it, we now allow MP4 uploads, and also bumped up the size of files from 20MB to 30MB. We will be leaving the images at 30MB for now, but will be bumping up video sizes soon.

I am humbled, and greatly appreciative of everyone who has given Image Chest a shot. I am dedicated to keeping Image Chest free, and open, as the internet should be; and implementing features based on user feedback and my own roadmap for the site.

I sent out an e-mail earlier today but wanted to note here that we had to change how we handle API tokens, which means that anyone utilizing the API will need to generate a new token to access the API. This is all part of the ground work to build out Android and iOS apps in the short term and I figured it best to get this part over with sooner than later. My apologies for the inconvenience, I know that this isn't an optimal situation.

Please don't hesitate to reach out via the contact form or join us on Discord if you have any questions.

The MP4 Update

The MP4 Update

It's been a hectic week with all of the recent announcements around the web and I appreciate the patience while we ensure we're running optimally.
We've upgraded infrastructure, squashed bugs, and are rolling out new features.

Speaking of which, MP4s have been requested for some time, and most of the logic was there since we were already converting gifs when uploaded.
This has been fleshed out more and mp4 is now a supported upload type. These videos have the same constraints as images, so they can be up to 20mb for now. As we monitor the performance over the coming days we will likely bump the file size up to 30mb.

If you have any questions, feedback, or just want to chat, don't hesitate to reach out via e-mail, comment here, or join us on the Discord server.

Twitter Access

Twitter Access

We had to remove the option to login with Twitter due to changes at Twitter regarding their API usage and costs. To provide this functionality now would require their basic tier, and is simply not worth $100 a month to provide that functionality.

If you previously logged in via Twitter, simply use the forgot password option to reset your account, and you will be able to login in a traditional manner.

We will be looking for other providers to integrate such as Apple. Comment below if you have one you'd like to use and we will look into the feasibility of adding them.

Performance and Optimization

Performance and Optimization

It's been a busy year without much in the way of updates. Things are starting to slow down a bit again, which should allow more time for improvements and functionality.
We have started on the steps needed to refactor the code base to prepare for Android and iOS apps, as well as a front end refresh.

The site was also down temporarily this morning to facilitate a database upgrade that should be much more performant than the old configuration.

Infrastructure And Post Loading

Infrastructure And Post Loading

As usual a lot has been going on behind the scenes to improve performance or monitor and notify the team if something is amiss.
We have spent some time updating various parts of the front end to ensure a solid, consistent experience across pages.
We rebuilt the component that loads posts to display and use the same component to view the front page, user pages, and search results.
We also built new components and revamped the profile pages so that they have more features, information, and load much better as well.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have ideas for new features, ways to improve existing features, or find a bug. We appreciate you all!

Showing 6 to 10 of 24 blog posts.
5 Million Files!
5 Million Files!
July 31, 2024
Image Chest Gold
Image Chest Gold
January 2, 2024
The Two Factor Update
The Two Factor Update
December 31, 2023
One Million Files
One Million Files
July 29, 2023